Not All Summaries Are Created Equal

Legal's Most Trusted AI-Powered Deposition Summary Solution

Page-Line Summary + Deposition Memo with 100% Accurate Page-Line Citations

What our clients are saying

“I am a lawyer board certified in both civil trial and appeals. We try a lot of cases and obtaining page/line summaries is often the most time-consuming aspect of trial preparation. SmartDepo is a great use of AI, producing in minutes what used to take us many hours—letting us focus on other aspects of our client’s trials.”

-Mathew Struble
"I recently discovered SmartDepo and was very impressed by the quick turnaround, very
reasonable pricing structure, and the quality of the deposition summaries. I was also impressed with the personal attention given to me by the people at the top of the company, including Ely Cohn. I have recommended the company to several friends in the litigation field."

-Wolfgang Mueller
"I am always looking for an advantage that will help my team obtain the best results for our clients. Using AI technology that helps with efficiency and productivity makes sense. Smart Depo allows us to eliminate one of the time-consuming, yet important, tasks that we do as litigation attorneys. The turn around time is great and the technology is constantly improving."

- Delaney J. Miller
"I wanted to take a moment to tell everyone how incredible the SmartDepo AI Platform is and how it has transformed our practice. I am thoroughly impressed with how seamlessly it functions and the work product that it produces.From the moment I started using SmartDepo, I was impressed with the level of professionalism and dedication exhibited by you and your team. Your responsiveness and commitment to providing exceptional customer service have exceeded my expectations.I strongly recommend that everyone that litigates use your software. Thank you once again for your amazing work. I look forward to continuing to use SmartDepoand witnessing the ongoing innovations and enhancements that you and your team have in store."

- Alex C., Attorney in Austin, TX
"I researched several deposition summarizing companies and SmartDepo was ultimately the one. After extensive discussion with their team on security I tried the free intro summary. The results were phenomenal. The processing took about 30 minutes. This saved hours of time. You'll of course need to review the results for accuracy. I only had to make minimal adjustments. The interface we very user friendly, and the customer service excellent. This is my go to summarizer in the future. Well worth it."

- Manuel E.
“I am a lawyer board certified in both civil trial and appeals. We try a lot of cases and obtaining page/line summaries is often the most time-consuming aspect of trial preparation. SmartDepo is a great use of AI, producing in minutes what used to take us many hours—letting us focus on other aspects of our client’s trials.”

-Mathew Struble
"I recently discovered SmartDepo and was very impressed by the quick turnaround, very
reasonable pricing structure, and the quality of the deposition summaries. I was also impressed with the personal attention given to me by the people at the top of the company, including Ely Cohn. I have recommended the company to several friends in the litigation field."

-Wolfgang Mueller
"I am always looking for an advantage that will help my team obtain the best results for our clients. Using AI technology that helps with efficiency and productivity makes sense. Smart Depo allows us to eliminate one of the time-consuming, yet important, tasks that we do as litigation attorneys. The turn around time is great and the technology is constantly improving."

- Delaney J. Miller
"I wanted to take a moment to tell everyone how incredible the SmartDepo AI Platform is and how it has transformed our practice. I am thoroughly impressed with how seamlessly it functions and the work product that it produces.From the moment I started using SmartDepo, I was impressed with the level of professionalism and dedication exhibited by you and your team. Your responsiveness and commitment to providing exceptional customer service have exceeded my expectations.I strongly recommend that everyone that litigates use your software. Thank you once again for your amazing work. I look forward to continuing to use SmartDepoand witnessing the ongoing innovations and enhancements that you and your team have in store."

- Alex Conant
"I researched several deposition summarizing companies and SmartDepo was ultimately the one. After extensive discussion with their team on security I tried the free intro summary. The results were phenomenal. The processing took about 30 minutes. This saved hours of time. You'll of course need to review the results for accuracy. I only had to make minimal adjustments. The interface we very user friendly, and the customer service excellent. This is my go to summarizer in the future. Well worth it."

- Manuel E.

Our process

We strived to make our app incredibly easy to use. Just upload your deposition in PDF or TXT format, submit it for summarization, and download your summary within hours.

We strived to make our app incredibly easy to use. Just upload your deposition in PDF or TXT format, submit it for summarization, and download your summary within hours.

We strived to make our app incredibly easy to use. Just upload your deposition in PDF or TXT format, submit it for summarization, and download your summary within hours.

SmartDepoTM was founded by a licensed attorney who understands concerns about confidentiality, attorney-client privilege and
strong IT security.

We've worked hard to make our systems secure so that lawyers can reap the benefits of this technology without worrying about any security risks and unauthorized disclosure of sensitive material to third parties.

SmartDepo was founded by a licensed attorney who understands concerns about confidentiality, attorney-client privilege and
strong IT security.

We've worked hard to make our systems secure so that lawyers can reap the benefits of this technology without worrying about any security risks and unauthorized disclosure of sensitive material to third parties.

SmartDepo was founded by a licensed attorney who understands concerns about confidentiality, attorney-client privilege and
strong IT security.

We've worked hard to make our systems secure so that lawyers can reap the benefits of this technology without worrying about any security risks and unauthorized disclosure of sensitive material to third parties.

SmartDepo Legal Analysis

Flexible pricing

Pay by the page at checkout

Your first summary
is free

per page thereafter
*Checkout in the web portal
Volume Discounts

Handling a large volume of depositions?

Contact for Volume Discounts
We partner with high volume court reporters and litigation process outsourcing firms.

Please get in touch for bulk discounts.

About SmartDepo


What makes SmartDepo special?

SmartDepo stands out with its advanced proprietary AI system, which is protected by patents. This system excels in generating comprehensive, precise, and detailed deposition summaries.

These summaries include accurate page and line references, as well as a well-organized table of contents. SmartDepo's AI system is designed to ensure accuracy and adherence to legal formatting standards. The service utilizes GPT-4 technology for its operations.

How is this different than using ChatGPT?

Our system employs dynamic auto-prompting engineering to provide case context, desired summary style, and transcript excerpts to the model. This guides the model to produce useful, focused summaries. ChatGPT's prompting capabilities are relatively simplistic and not built for this use case.

We utilize a variety of proprietary and patent-pending methodologies to preprocess transcripts prior to summarization with an LLM. We also use custom natural language processing (NLP) models to solve a variety of domain-specific tasks. ChatGPT has no way of batching dialogue precisely in a way that makes sense for law.

Finally, we built a system which meets the high security and confidentiality needs of attorneys. Unlike ChatGPT, which will retain any data passed through the system for at least 30 days, any data passed through SmartDepo will never be used to train AI models and will be completely purged from the system once a user decides to delete it.

Are SmartDepo summaries accurate?

SmartDepo's AI summarization process is generally accurate, supported by internal quality checks that identify potential errors or inaccuracies. However, there is a possibility of misinterpretation, especially if the source testimony is vague, ambiguous, nuanced, or poorly phrased. Consequently, SmartDepo customers are advised to review the summaries carefully before using them in official legal proceedings or documents.

What is SmartDepo's data usage and retention policy?

SmartDepo retains customer transcripts and summaries until the customer decides to delete the files from the SmartDepo web app. During this storage period, SmartDepo solely uses the files to provide access to the customer and does not employ them for any other purpose. SmartDepo does not engage in fine-tuning using customer data and commits to never disclosing customer data to third parties except for sharing with OpenAI through OpenAI's API.

Does OpenAI retain any of SmartDepo's data?

No, OpenAI does not retain any data processed by SmartDepo through OpenAI's API. This non-retention policy is established through a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement between SmartDepo and OpenAI.

Is SmartDepo SOC 2 compliant?

SmartDepo has not yet done a SOC 2 audit, however the infrastructure we use is SOC 2 compliant. We follow the security best practices as defined by our cloud provider, Amazon Web Services (AWS), to ensure the security of data and compute. The AWS guidelines themselves are stricter than the general SOC 2 guidelines. The AWS guidelines are available here.

Why do I need a deposition summary?

Our AI deposition summaries convert raw dialogue into narrative form, which is substantively batched with page and line citations for easy reference to the source transcript. This saves you time and money enabling you to navigate thousands of pages of transcript with ease. Moreover, the page and line summaries help you efficiently find relevant testimony to be referenced in other briefs and motions.

At SmartDepo, we understand the realities of modern legal practice. As former litigators ourselves, we know the strain of looming deadlines, unpredictable cases, and constant information overload.

We're on a mission to keep legal teams confidently prepared, no matter which way a case goes.

Our AI deposition summary technology is our first product created by attorneys, for attorneys. We automatically generate dynamic page-line citations, hyperlinked tables of contents, and key admissions so you can instantly pinpoint salient testimony.

Testimony makes or breaks a case. With SmartDepo, you don't have to waste your legal talent manually poring over thousands of pages. Our tech does the grunt work so you can focus on higher value legal analysis, ensuring you've absorbed all crucial testimony long before you need it.

Our mission is simple: Win more cases with less stress.

We are thrilled to offer firms a faster, cheaper and easier way to summarize all of their depositions. We look forward to working with you.